What does A Day in the Life photography session look like? Where do you find the magic on a regular day?

My life is boring! We are far from interesting! My house is a mess – it’s the last thing I want to be photographed! I don’t have time to carve out space for having our pictures taken.

These are many of the concerns that some of my first time clients have. Documentary Photography can be hard to understand if you aren’t familiar with the genre.

With the goal of spreading awareness of this particular genre across our city, I joined with a group of other amazing documentary photographers in Atlanta. Together we decided to follow each other along on a regular day and give an overview of how A Day in The Life photography session looks. We had so much fun! Continue reading to view various parts of our days (from early in the morning until late at night). See our intimate daily moments unfold before your eyes.

First Up: Heather’s Family

7 am – 9 am

mom and her kids arranging breakfast

The first family to be photographed were The Heather’s. You see here that this session took place in the morning hours. The light was soft and welcoming. Everyone was getting ready for breakfast – a special occasion for this big family of twelve! They started their day with gratitude over a meal.

Second Up: MINE!

9:00 am – 11:00 am

family at the playground

It’s so wonderful to see your own family in the frame. It feels magical! You see love, hugs, kisses and routines. You see your life as you want to remember it from now until the rest of your life! Chanda, the photographer, stayed with us for just a couple of hours, but she was able to capture the moments that mattered. She was able to truly capture my family.

Third Up: Kaleen’s Family

11:00 am – 1:00 pm

family in the couch

Kaleen is another amazing photographer. What impresses me most about her is her multitasking mindset! I’m sure that she will treasure all of these photos, but the one that captured my attention is the image of her pumping milk for her son while working. How many of us can see ourselves in her behavior here?

Fourth Up: Kristin’s Family

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

mom brushing her daughter's hair

Later in the afternoon I headed to Kristin’s house where her family was getting ready to go to a YMCA basketball game. Lucy, Kristin’s adorable daughter, is a cheerleader. Documenting lives means following them around in their daily routines. We often don’t stay in one location, especially when we’re capturing family’s full of a variety of schedules! Capturing moments on the go are just as valuable as those that take place under our roofs.

Fifth Up: Chanda‘s Family

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

family playing a board game

You see here a family playing a board game in their living room, then headed out for a basketball match, and after that they went for a walk to a local ice-cream place (Dr. Bombay’s). There were many hugs and snuggly moments in between! These little moments quickly become blurry and vanish from our memories. They are worth being photographed.

Sixth Up: Amanda’s Family

5:00 pm -7:00 pm

mom with her daughter in the tub
Family reading books on the couch

You see here, that we captured a family evening. This usually involves a family getting ready for dinner, bath and bed. Some of a family’s sweetest and most intimate moments take place during these evening hours.

Final Family: Rosalind’s

7:00 pm – 9:00pm

kid giving food to his mom

When the night has come, some of the sweetest moments happen. The light is soft, the mood is relaxed, and there’s a sense of peace lingering around.

This experiment was to show you that magic happens every moment of our life. The magic is with us, early in the morning when we get ready for breakfast, when we share our meal with our beloved ones, when we play board games, when we play basketball, when we go to the park, when we walk our dogs, when we read a book, when we make pizza for dinner… Magic happens in the life we live.

Don’t wait any longer, capture the magical moments in your family. Let’s book a session today!

Contact me today!

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