A wise C.S. “Life happens in the small moments…and it adds up before you know it.” 

  Close your eyes and think of something you’re grateful for.

Think of someone. Maybe it’s your spouse, maybe it’s your mom or your best friend. Think about that person and plant yourself in a specific memory with them. Was it when your dad let you scoot up to the stove and cook the eggs for breakfast? Or how about your mom greeting you with a smile in the morning? Or maybe it was when you looked over at your spouse and saw him carrying your son, along with the weight of your entire family, on his shoulders.

dad and son cooking together

Often times when I really pause to think about what I’m thankful for – the people, the moments, the places – it’s the small details that wash over my heart. Sure, the grand trips have left me with wonderful memories. The milestones, too! Watching my son take his first steps or hearing the first, “Dada” is a heart-warming memory, but it’s things like the morning ritual of gathering around the table with the paper laid out, breakfast served and giggles of children running around that really make my heart sing. 

When I look back on these years I’m living, I want to recall the giggles. I want to be able to transport back to the feeling of the child’s squeeze. I want to remember the way my husband glanced at me across the room as our kids ran wild. I want to be able to plant myself back in time and really remember the life I’m living. 

My encouragement to you is to truly pause each day and soak up your life for what it is. Count your blessings, both the big and small ones. Be present so you’re able to really make the memory and be able to revisit it another time.

Slow down where you can, love with all your heart and laugh often. 

This is from a session I made a couple months ago to the beautiful Liz Carlile from Motherhood Unstressed.

To press the pause button on your life, call me know!

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Copyright Barbara Naso Photography | All Righs Reserved


Copyright Barbara Naso Photography | All Righs Reserved

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