I always had a special bond with my dad.

Seeing a photograph of us together brings all the feels. My dad has always been primary presence in my life. We share so many memories together. One of the things that amazes is that words are not necessary for us to communicate with each other: we simply look. My mom and husband are a bit jealous of our relationship, but it’s so precious to us that they’re okay with it.

When I photograph other families,

I spend the first 30 minutes carefully observing the dynamic inside the family. I spend time chatting with them, especially with kids. Kids need to trust people coming into their lives, even if it is just for one day.

Then, I  take my first photograph.

The little ones are always the most curious during a session. They are so used to being photographed with a smile on their face. They think they have to pose for you. So I start again having a conversation with them to gain their trust. My aim is to capture their soul, and to do this I have to be more of a friend than a photographer. It takes some time, but once trust is established, I can spend the rest of the day really capturing their essence, their soul.

In a family with kids,

their bonds catch my attention. During my latest photography session I met a sweet and lovely dad. I immediately wanted to freeze his moments with his kids.

This dad is building a solid relationship with them, and these moments deserve to be photographed. Take a look.

dad playing with his son

Spencer, the dad, is a young boy at heart. I was so impressed by his incredible patience. He was playful with kids; tossing them in the air,

dad playing with his son
little boy playing with his dad
dad playing with his son
dad playing with his son
dad playing and kissing with his son
dad with his little newborn on his arms
family on the coach palying
dad kissing his little girl
dad helping his son dressing up
dad at his son side
little boy playing with his dad at home

eating pretend food,and lying down on the floor.He allowed the kids to fully engage in play. He has a gift for making them smile, the same way  I used to do when my little ones were little.He shared in their tenderness. And dreamed of their future. He’s a protector.And a helper. He shared himself with his kids, allowing them to know how deep his love is for them.
He played with them. He whispered to them. And, he calmed them down. 

You don’t necessarily need a professional photographer to capture these moments, but do yourself a favor: take a few pictures of this time. In few years these moments will be a distant memory.

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Copyright Barbara Naso Photography | All Righs Reserved

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