I had the gift of spending the day with one of my dearest friends, Gypsy, and her sweet family for a special birthday celebration. Today, I’ll let her share the words, while I offer you the images. Enjoy! -B.

A group text came through a few months ago, “Nana wants us all to gather at Callaway Gardens for her birthday. We’ll stay the night. It’ll be fun! Details to come.”

peaceful lake

A beautiful spot for a birthday celebration, I thought to myself.

Sure, it sounded like a beautiful time, but as the trip approached it began to feel too big. Haul my two kids for the night? A pretty long drive with a baby who loathes the carseat? Leave husband at home and man the crew on my own? What about food (never did I see myself parenting two kids with food allergies, one pretty severe and tricky to accommodate on the road)? And, sleep…they don’t sleep great at home, what will sharing one room be like…do I really want to give up the little sleep I get?

Too much. I declined about a week out from the trip.

And then a few days later, I woke in the night (I’m sure some child was the culprit of that) and thought to myself…it’s one night.

I want to show up for Nana.

I want to show up for Mark. Nana’s kids would be there and some of their kids… So, surely we could not just do it, but could find a way to enjoy it, too. Back on the books the trip went…

And, my goodness, my heart sure is glad I said yes.

We started the trip off enjoying the afternoon poolside and carried that over to the courtyard for dinner. I don’t have pictures of this because, well, I was watching the nearly four year old swim like a fish and feeding a few mouths at dinner… So, the first night is solely documented in our hearts. But, y’all, there was pizza and cake and sparkly cups and unicorn straws. There was family all gathered together – complete with laughter, old jokes and new ones, catching-up conversation, and of course a few meltdowns and tantrums. Nana felt celebrated and loved, I’m certain.

The next day; however, my sweet friend Barbara offered to join us and document our day.

As a perk she brought her beautiful daughter, Greta, whom Adalyn adores. So, pictures of our family gathered together and a playmate for one of my kids? Yes, please!

We ventured to the Butterfly House on Sunday.

We were able to see these beautiful creatures from chrysalis to butterfly and lucky enough to be there as they released them into the world. Like a new baby, their wings would take a bit of time and practice before they’d full on fly away. This was a huge perk for us because we got to hold the butterflies up close and personal. We got to see their wet wings and watch them flap gently until they were ready to take off.

blu butterfly on a little girl's hand
foot and an hand carrying a butterfly in the floor
hands playing with butterflies
butterfly on adult's hand

After admiring the butterflies we headed off on a short hike, which led us to a beautiful chapel. Here, we enjoyed each other by the water and stood in awe at the gorgeous, old chapel.

family walking in the park
friends laughing in a bench at the park
boy smiling in mom's arm
cross in a church
family at the church
boy crawling at the church

Finally, we headed to the picnic area. We feasted together and let the kids enjoy the wildlife in the water. Turtles, frogs and fish were enjoyed by many. We even managed to gather us all in one frame.

couple portrait laughing loudly
little boy with a straw in his mouth
little boy playing with a frog
a family reunion at the park posing for the photographer

When I see these pictures, my heart smiles big. I love these people. I love doing life with them. I’m beyond grateful I said yes to this adventure. And, I will forever cherish the gift that Barbara has offered us – pictures to jog our memory of this time together celebrating sweet Nana.

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Copyright Barbara Naso Photography | All Righs Reserved


Copyright Barbara Naso Photography | All Righs Reserved

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